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What causes shadowing and how do I eliminate it?

Shadowing is a "halo" effect that frequently occurs around the engraved character when the depth nose is used. It's one of the more common problems faced by engravers, but once the specific cause is identified it's usually easy to correct.

The three most common causes of shadowing are; (1) too much spindle pressure, (2) a dirty, defective or improperly seated depth nose and (3) a misaligned spindle.

If the shadowing occurs around the entire character (Figure 1), the problem may just be too much pressure by the depth nose against the plate. The proper procedure is to set the pressure so there is a positive but gentle pressure against the plate. Any more than this will tend to crush finish on the surface of the material causing the shadow or halo effect.

Another probable cause of uniform shadowing is a dirty or defective depth nose. Dirt, corrosion, or pitting on the surface of the nose will be transferred directly to the surface of the material. The nose should be cleaned or replaced. One thing to consider is the use of large plastic nose.

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If the shadowing occurs on only one or two sides of the engraving (Figure 2), the problem is most likely caused by an improperly seated nose or a misaligned spindle. In either case, only part of the nose is contacting the material which results in all the spindle pressure being concentrated in one small area. The first thing to do is remove the nose and clean all the chips and dirt out of the housing and then reinstall the nose. If this doesn't solve the problem, the spindle should be aligned according to the machine manufacturer's recommendations.

On some materials like highly polished metals and acrylics, it may be impossible to completely eliminate the problem of shadowing. When possible, use the machines mechanical spindle stop or programmable z-axis feature to control the depth and engrave without the depth nose. If this is not an option, then you may wish to engrave through the masking and remove it after the piece is engraved.